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Botulism is a paralysing disease of cattle. It is a severe and fatal disease caused by a potent nerve toxin produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum.

• Type C and D botulinum are the most common cause of botulism in Australia. In severe cases cattle can die in less than 24 hours without signs of illness

• In northern Australia cattle chew on carcasses and bones – this is the principle source of botulism toxin.  Botulinum outbreaks have caused losses of up to 25% of the herd on some properties and may significantly increase the herd death rate by up to 10-20% annually1

• Most cases of botulism are never observed – cattle simply go missing


• A severe, often fatal, clostridial disease with no specific treatment

• Prominent in cattle grazing on land deficient in protein and phosporous

• Commonly associated with bone chewing by susceptible, unvaccinated cattle

Protect your greatest assets with trusted annual vaccination

Vaccination with Longrange provides

1. Trusted and proven reliability through annual vaccination

Benefits of annual Longrange vaccination:

  • Protects animals that have not been mustered the previous year
  • Boosts immunity & maternal antibodies of breeders and protects calves
  • Is cost-effective by only vaccinating cattle that you are intending to keep
  • Takes the confusion out of botulism record keeping management

2. Fastest protection

Longrange provides the fastest protection levels, with a rapid onset of immunity within 28 days. A single dose of Longrange provides immunity persisting at protective levels for at least 12 months after administration4

3. Suitable for use in organic production systems

Genetically modified organisms (GMO) are NOT present in Longrange

4. Fifty (50) times the protection level

A single booster dose annually provides up to 50 times the necessary level of protection against type C and D botulism4

5. Longrange reduced deaths over 3 years

In an MLA funded field trial, annual vaccination of a group of 1,525 replacement heifers with Longrange reduced mortality by 50% over a 3 year period (Table 1)3

Table 1. Benefits of vaccination with Longrange on mortality over a 3 year period  

Treatment  Initial cattle number   Rate of deaths*
Not vaccinated - control group  486  14%
Vaccinated - with Longrange  1,039  7%
 Total cattle  1,525  

*Heifers were deemed to have died if they missed 3 or more musters.

Worth every cent, every year – Study conclusion

Herd size 1,500 cattle. $150,750 benefit in surplus cows.

Return of $23.30 for every $1 spent on Longrange.

Table 2. Calculated return from botulism vaccination over a 3 year period**

Treatment Initial cattle number Mortalities (missing cattle) Value of dead cattle at $1,50/head Cost of vaccination over 3 years a $1.50/head/year Cost benefit ratio
Not vaccinated  1,500  14%  210  $315,000  
Vaccinated - with Longrage  1,500  7%  105  $157,500  23.3

Long vaccination - Value of reduced cattle losses

$157,500 - $6,750 = $150,750

This indicated a cost benefit ratio of 23.3 representing a benefit of $23.30 for each $1 spent on vaccination.


**Assuming the 7% reduction in mortalities can all be attributed to the use of the botulism vaccine.

6. Less carcase trim and site reactions

Longrange has a unique water based formulation. Alternative vaccines for botulism use an oil based formulation that increases the risk of site reactions, lumps and carcase trim. A study identified that cattle vaccinated with SingVac® had over 3 times as many large vaccination site reactions as cattle vaccinated with Longrange5

7. Simple dosing program

The unique formulation is easy to administer with no need for special applicators and provides better safety for workers.

8. Efficient integration into your management program to optimise beef production

For optimised reproductive performance use Longrange annually in combination with Vibrovax® to prevent transmission of vibriosis, Pestigard® to reduce reproductive losses due to pestivirus and Ultravac®7in1 to prevent shedding of leptospires and protect against key clostridial diseases.

Keeping herds on track for a more profitable future

For more information talk to your Zoetis Cattle Product Representative, call 1800 963 847 or visit



  1. Fitzpatrick S. Agnote K29. Botulism Poisoning in Cattle in the Northern Territory, September 2006. 
  2. McCosker T.H, and Eggington A.R Cattle Mustering Efficiency Using Helicopters in a Monsoonal Savanna Woodland. Aust Ranger J. 1986: 8(2): 91-96. 
  3. Smith PC et al, Industry initiatives to improve young breeder performance in the Pilbara and Kimberley of W.A, NBP.345, Meat and Livestock Australia,North Sydney, 2010, 28-29. 
  4. Zoetis Data on File. 
  5. Zoetis Data on File. 
  6. Lehrbach PR and Robinson SR, Comparative immunogenicity of single doses of four vaccines against botulism in cattle AVA Proceedings Pg 145-148 (2001). 
  7. Jansen et al., Onderstepoort J. vet Res. 43 (4), 165-174 (1976).
  8. Cameron et al., ClostPath: Rio Rica, Arizona, USA - January 11-14, 1995. 
  9. Elhay M. Zoetis Data on File. Aug 2003.
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