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It’s only when you know what worms your cattle actually have that you can choose the right drench. Do you know what worms your cattle carry? You may be surprised to learn that they aren’t what you think.

Every region across Australia has a mixture of different worm types infecting cattle. In addition, each drench gives different results when managing the various worm species, as not all drenches are the same. So it’s important before you select a drench for your cattle that you:

  • Find out what worms your cattle actually have (via a worm test) or, find out the most common worm types infecting cattle in your region.
  • Select the drench that has the best long acting control against the worms most common in your area

This is where WormTRAX™ comes in.

WormTRAX is a new resource designed to assist Australian cattle farmers improve internal worm control in their cattle and optimise their drenching program.

Based on over 70,000 dung samples submitted from around Australia, Wormtrax shows you the most prevalent worms in your region.

It then helps you to select the drench with the longest action against these local worm types.

WormTRAX aims to help you get the best results from the drench you select by putting research behind drench selection, and therefore maximise your return from your drench investment.

Cattle Internal Parasites & Best Practice Worm Monitoring

A Better Way To Buy