Poulvac® Bursa F

poulvac bursa f
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  • A freeze-dried vaccine containing 102.4 EID50 of live attenuated Infectious Bursal Disease virus (strain V877) per dose.

  • For the active immunisation of broiler chickens and breeder pullets against Infectious Bursal Disease.

  • This vaccine should be used immediately upon reconstitution.

    Broiler chickens: Poulvac Bursa F should be administered to broiler chickens from 10 days of age, via the drinking water, in the face of declining maternal antibodies to Bursal Disease. The precise age of vaccination can be determined by measuring or estimating the mean ELISA antibody titre of the chickens at day old. By further estimating the decline of this titre, a day can be chosen when the ELISA titre will approximate 500. This is the day on which the vaccine should be administered.

    Breeder pullets: Poulvac Bursa F is used as the first part of a 2 stage vaccination program to protect potential breeding stock from infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) infection and to prime them for their later vaccination with an inactivated IBDV vaccine. Poulvac Bursa F is normally administered at a convenient time after pullets have reached 6 weeks of age.

    The vaccine may be administered by the drinking water method.

    Early morning administration is recommended.


    The objective is to create high quality and uniform active antibodies prior to use of an inactivated IBDV vaccine. Use of an inactivated IBDV vaccine in a “live-killed” program produces high levels of maternal antibodies in progeny.

    Booster vaccination - an inactivated IBDV vaccine is used to boost the initial immune response obtained from the primary vaccination with Poulvac Bursa F.

    Preparation of the diluent

    Mix skim milk powder with clean water at the rate of 2.5 gm of powder to 1 litre water.


    Reconstitution of Freeze-Dried Vaccine for Vaccination

    Calculate the total number of vaccine doses required based on the total bird number rounded up to the nearest whole vial. The vaccine is supplied as a freeze-dried plug in a vial. This must be reconstituted before use. Reconstitute the vaccine by injecting 1.5 mL de-ionised distilled water into the vaccine vial using a sterile syringe and needle.

    Insert needle through vaccine bung, create a small vacuum and allow all water to be drawn into the vial. Remove the resuspended vaccine from the vial with a syringe and mix it into the diluent prepared as above. Stir thoroughly with a clean paddle.


    See pack instruction sheet for detailed notes on application and administration.

  • Rainwater or clean dam water should be used if available.

    Avoid heavily chlorinated water if possible. If chlorinated water is used, it should be left to stand overnight.

    • All containers for mixing the vaccine must be clean and free of disinfectant or detergent.

    • No drugs, disinfectants or detergents should be used in the drinking

  • Only healthy birds should be vaccinated.

    The vaccine may cause bursal damage if administered to chickens less than 10 days of age.

    The vaccine can transiently depress bursal function in chickens, hence no other live vaccines should be administered 7 days before or after vaccination with Poulvac Bursa F.

  • Storage:


    Store Below -5°C (FREEZE).


    Protect from light.


    Withholding period:
    Zero (0) days



    Read product label prior to use

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