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Diseases That Impact Cow Productivity

Zoetis has a range of products to ensure your herd is protected, giving them the best chance at being productive.

Bovine Johne's Disease (BJD)

Diseases That Impact Cow Productivity

Some diseases of adult cattle can result in reduced productivity and in some cases mortalities. Zoetis has products to ensure your herd is protected.

Bovine Johne’s Disease (BJD)

Bovine Johne’s Disease is a chronic, incurable disease of adult cattle that usually results in culling or death.

Although it is usually contracted during calfhood, the symptoms of BJD (chronic diarrhoea and weight loss) don’t appear until cattle are about four years old.

Silirum® vaccine is a vet only product that can aid in the control of bovine Johne’s disease. In herds where a diagnosis of BJD has been confirmed or as part of a whole farm biosecurity plan to reduce the risk of infection entering the herd, it is recommended that all replacement calves are vaccinated at 3-6 weeks of age.

Learn more about Silirum®


Botulism is a disease caused by the bacterium, Clostridium botulinum and the toxin it produces. Toxin types C and D are most commonly associated with disease and death in Australian cattle.

The toxin causes paralysis, starting in the rear legs of the animal and progressing forwards.Affected animals therefore first appear to be unsteady and weak on their feet before going down and being unable to rise. Finally, the toxin affects the muscles responsible for breathing and the animal dies within 2 or 3 days. The first indication of botulism may be a number of animals dying suddenly. In Australian dairy herds, most outbreaks of botulism are the result of animals ingesting toxin contained in wet hay, decaying vegetation or decaying animal carcasses.

Conserved feeds, such as silage and hay, can contain decaying animal matter creating a high risk of botulism. For baled silage, damage to the wrapping of the bale can also cause deterioration of the silage and production of toxin if bacterial spores are present.

The practice of feeding total and partial mixed rations is associated with a significant increase in the risk of botulism and the potential for contaminated feed materials to affect multiple animals simultaneously.

Chicken litter, used as a fertiliser on some farms, may contain the carcasses of dead poultry and can therefore present a significant risk of botulism.
Few cattle survive botulism and there is no effective treatment. An outbreak can lead to serious productivity and stock loss. Prevention is the key.

Botulism is a severe, fatal disease of livestock and a significant cause of stock losses in the northern beef industry. Sporadic outbreaks can also occur in all areas of the Australian mainland.

A major disease of livestock, particularly of cattle in the extensive grazing areas of northern Australia. In northern Australia, cattle commonly suffer from phosphorus and protein deficiency. These cattle often chew on carcases and bones, which can be contaminated with the bacteria that cause botulism.

Botulism is fatal - death can take up to 14 days. In severe cases, animals can die in less than 24 hours without signs of illness.

Learn more about Longrange®/Ultravac®

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