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The cost of Mastitis

The financial impact of clinical and subclinical mastitis extends to ongoing production losses, discarded milk, veterinarian and medication costs, labour and also culling and penalty costs.

Cut the Costs

The Costs Of Mastitis

Mastitis can cost you money in two ways:

The cost of clinical mastitis (i.e. the cost of treating cases during lactation)

The cost of subclinical mastitis (i.e. high bulk milk cell count)

The financial impact of clinical and subclinical mastitis extends to ongoing production losses, discarded milk, veterinarian and medication costs, labour and also culling and penalty costs.

The cost of clinical mastitis

Mastitis infections not only cause inflammation and pain for the cow, but also result in less milk being produced, at reduced quality for processing.

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the cost of mastitis

Dairy Australia. Countdown 2020: Farm Guidelines for Mastitis Control, 2014. Available at: Accessed 23/2/15.

What are cell counts & why are they important?

Bulk milk somatic cell counts (BMCC) can be used to measure milk quality in dairy herds, and is an indirect way of estimating the level of mastitis in the herd.

HIGH BMCC COUNTS MEAN HIGH COSTS LOW BMCC COUNTS MEANS PREMIUM PRICES AND A HEALTHY HERD Every 100,000 cells per mL indicate about 10% of cows in the herd are infected.1
Cells per mL Indication of mastitis control
Above 400,000 Poor: This milk is not considered fit for human consumption by the European Union and may lead to significant export restrictions

If the average cell count rises from 250,000 to 400,000, it will cost an extra $218 per cow per year 

Additional cost for 200 cows: $43,600

250,000 to 400,000 Moderate mastitis and cell count control

If the cell count rises from 150,000 to 250,000 per year, it will cost an extra $103 per cow per year 

Additional cost for 200 cows: $20,600

150,000 to 250,000 Good: below 250,000 is the level for premium payment in most dairy companies; some use 200,000
Below 150,000 Excellent mastitis cell count control
1. Dairy Australia. Countdown 2020: Farm Guidelines for Mastitis Control, 2014. Available at: Accessed 23/2/15.

Cut the costs of mastitis

By using Teatseal, you can save a lot of the cost associated with mastitis, such as treatment costs and productivity losses.

When you combine these quantifiable savings with those things that are harder to put a price on, such as your stress levels and the ease of herd management, soon you’ll be getting the Teatseal feeling too!

Let's run through an example:

Cost example

†$270 cost per mastitis case based on Countdown 2020 estimate. ‡Percentage reduction will vary, but a reduction of approximately 70% has been demonstrated in Australian conditions. §Price of Teatseal will vary, check the current price with your vet.

Further Reading

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