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Reproductive Diseases
In Cattle

Australian cattle are at risk from a number of reproductive diseases, the economic impact of which can be enormous.


Reproductive Diseases in Cattle

Cattle Best Practice Vaccination and Drenching Instructional Videos


  • Leptospirosis is a bacterium that infects both cattle and humans, affecting beef and dairy cattle.
  • It is spread via the urine and reproductive tracts of farm animals, wild-life, pigs and rats.
  • Leptospirosis can live in the environment for months, especially in stagnant water.
  • The disease infects cows and humans through contact with nose, eyes, mouth or broken skin. And, can be spread from cows to humans, causing severe flu-like symptoms which may persist for weeks to months.
  • Leptospirosis can affect the reproductive health of a cow by causing stillbirths, abortions and the birth of weak calves. It can also reduce the fertility of heifers.

Ultravac 7 in 1

Ultravac® 7 in 1 prevents urinary shedding of leptospires

Learn more about Ultravac® 7 in 1

Cattle 5ml Selectable SafeShot Vaccinator Instructional Video


  • Pestivirus, also called Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus (BVDV), is a highly contagious virus. In fact, up to 90% of herds have animals with evidence of past infection.
  • Pestivirus is often related to other cattle diseases (e.g. calf scours and pneumonia) as it can affect the immune system of infected animals.
  • The disease is spread mainly by persistently infected cattle coming into close contact with susceptible cattle.
  • Milking and intensive calf-rearing practices can facilitate spread in dairy cattle.
  • Pestivirus can reduce reproductive performance by causing reduced conception rates, ‘slipped’ pregnancies, mid to late-term abortions, and congenital abnormalities.

Learn more about treating Pestivirus


Safequard your herd - Vibrovax® provides protection against vibriosis

Learn more about Vibrovax®


  • Vibriosis is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by a bacterial infection. Bulls are responsible for the introduction and spread of bacteria in a herd, and infected bulls will not show any visible signs.
  • Vibriosis is still a common infection in Australian beef and dairy herds and when introduced to a herd, the disease spreads rapidly as cows and heifers in such herds have no immunity. 
  • The disease is a major cause of infertility and abortion in cattle, and is easily prevented through vaccination of bulls.

Further Reading

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